There are many benefits of drinking coffee. Most important 9 medical benefit of drinking coffee are described below.
1. Drink Coffee to cut pain
Drink two cups of coffee after work-out. It will reduce post
work-out muscle pain. Researches proved that two cups of coffee after work-out can
cut by up to 48% muscle pain.
2. Drink Coffee to Protect Liver
Recent studies show the benefit of coffee in liver
protection. Drinking coffee can act as a protection against liver cirrhosis.
Coffee can lower the liver enzyme levels.
3. Drink Coffee to Protect Diabetes
Daily coffee drinking habit can protect you from diabetes.
Researches show that consuming 6 cups or more coffee daily can 22% lower the
risk of diabetes. Researches also showed that drinking minimum 1 cup of coffee
can decrease the risk of diabetes type II by 9%. Other researches show that every cup of decaf
coffee can reduce the risk of diabetes by 6%.
4. Drink Coffee to Protect Alzheimer’s disease
Research reports published in European Journal of Neurology showed
that drinking coffee may protect Alzheimer’s disease. So, continue your habit
of drinking coffee daily.
5. Drink Coffee to Avoid Suicide
Drinking coffee reduces the risk of suicide. A study was conducted
over 10-years long from 86,000 female nurses. That study shows that drinking of
coffee can reduce the risk of suicide.
6. Drink Coffee to Avoid Depression
Drinking coffee can also helps to avoid depression. Drinking
4 cups or more coffee can decrease depression. An experiment was conducted by
the Harvard School of Public Health to determine the effect of drinking coffee
to avoid depression. They found that women who drink 4 or more cups of coffee
were 20% less likely to suffer from depression.
7. Drink Coffee to Protect Heart Disease
Drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee to get protection against heart
disease. Recent studies showed that drinking 3 to 5 cups coffee per day can
reduce the beginning signs of heart disease. Brazilian scientists found that drinking
minimum three cups of coffee per day result less calcification in coronary
arteries. Korean scientists also found the beneficiary effect of coffee to
protect heart disease.
8. Drink Coffee to Protect Multiple Sclerosis
Drink at least 4 cups of coffee per day to get protection
from Multiple Sclerosis. Recent studies proved that drinking at least 4 cups of
coffee per day help to get protection against the development and reoccurrence
of MS.
9. Drink Coffee to Protect Colorectal Cancer
Regularly drinking coffee can protect you from colorectal
cancer. Even moderate consumption of coffee is able to reduce the colorectal
cancer risk. It is proven by many studies that drinking habit of coffee can
reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 26%.
So, drink 4 cups of coffee daily to get above benefits.