Friday, November 16, 2018

Egg Breakfast Will Promote Your Weight Loss : Scientifically Proven

Egg Breakfast For Weight Loss

Replace your whole grain based breakfast menu with any quality protein. In this case, eggs are more preferable. Eating whole eggs in breakfast will help you lose weight fast.

Scientist found that replacing a grain-based breakfast with eggs is helpful for you to eat fewer calories for the next 36 hours. Not only that it help to lose more weight and body fat.

Research of Saint Louis University, USA

Few scientist name Vander Wal JS1, Gupta A, Khosla P and Dhurandhar NV of Department of Psychology, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO, USA conducted an experiment to find out the impact of egg breakfast in weight loss. They found the positive relationship between egg breakfast and weight loss. After the experiment, they concluded that inclusion of egg in weight loss management program will enhance weight loss. 

In another experiment 5 scientist of Department of Psychology, Saint Louis University, Missouri, USA named Vander Wal JS1, Marth JM, Khosla P, Jen KL and Dhurandhar NV conducted and experiment on short term effect of eggs in overweight persons. They found that egg-breakfast significantly reduced short-term food intake. The routine egg breakfast sustained caloric deficit and consequent weight loss. 

So, Start Eating Eggs in your breakfast and replace whole grain based foods to enhance your weight loss.

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